Visiting the coffee farm was a spontaneous idea. When I was thinking about Kenya, only the safari tours came in my mind. But of course high quality coffee it coming from Kenya as well . By chance I saw the possibility to visit a coffee farm on AirBnB and it was fantastic. I booked it online, got the confirmation. The next day I took an Uber and went to Mbumi Coffee Estate, close to Nairobi.
It came out I was the only one that day doing the tour, so I got a private tour. They explained me everything about the coffee plants and the different quality while being between the plants. They told me, that their farm has a long tradition and we walked through the different process steps then. On the farm they really had a super old machine to help removing the skin and to clean the beans. The machine was from a time when Kenya was still a British Colony. To see and hear that old machine was great. After we finished the tour to see how coffee is created, I was invited for cake and coffee. Of course I had to try what I just saw.
After the break they explained me how the roasting of the beans changes the taste of the coffee. They had their own roasting machine and they had tiny roasting machines which they use for test roastings. They showed me how they use it and told me, which temperature they take and how to influence the roasting. When you hear the beans start to crack, then you need to decide how many more seconds you wait before stopping the process. That is how you decide which roasting type you want.
And then it was my turn. I put some beans in the tiny roasting machine, checked in between how the beans changed, heard the cracking and decided to stop. Then we shaked and blow away the silver skin. This skin is the last thin layer around a bean and breaks when the bean blows up during the roasting process. After the beans cooled down, they put them in a bag for me. Then I had my own roasted coffee to take home with me. So still at home I was remembered of my tour for while an my coffee was fantastic. Too bad it is empty meanwhile.
I also bought some more coffee there to bring it home with me and to enjoy it with friends and family. It had a smooth taste and a fantastic chocolate note. Maybe it was the whole experience which made it the best coffee ever for me or maybe it just was the best coffee. If I would be in Nairobi again, I definitely would do the tour again. And next time I would take even more coffee home with me.
Tour: https://de.airbnb.com/experiences/176647